And then there were none

1, 2, 3, 4, you get the point, 13!  And Then There Were None (push ups, that is)!  That’s what was running across my mind as I finished up the push ups tonight.  You never know when that Agatha Christie mystery novel bug is going to bite you, right?  Ok, so everything I’ve written so far is not true…except for the part about me doing the push ups.  Even though that’s not really what I was thinking as I was trying not to collapse powering through my workout, I figured it would serve as a better segue than none.  I’ve been having trouble in the title development/interesting random information department lately; hopefully having a day off tomorrow will help get rid of this writer’s block.

Enough with the pity party.  This is supposed to be a happy occasion!  And so it is.  Not only did somebody respond with the correct answer to yesterday’s scullery question–place to wash dishes–, but it also happened to be a new commenter by the name of Bito.  Congratulations and welcome to the leader board with 100 points!  I hope that you’re prepared for the cut-throat atmosphere that surrounds this trivia competition because it’s too late to back out now :)

Navy trivia of the day

  • What does the term geedunk mean?
  • To get full credit you have to submit all 3 definitions.

I competed the Cto5k workout without too much hassle.  This was actually a bit of a surprise since I wasn’t able to do this workout on Thursday.  The push up workout was tough, but I’ve decided not to think of this as a negative.  It’s nice to have a challenge now and then because at the end I know that I’ve accomplished something.  Want to see what I accomplished?  Look no further.

Cto5k workout details (Week 2, Workout 3):

  • Brisk 5 min warm up walk
  • Alternate 90 seconds of jogging and two minutes of walking for a total of 20 minutes

Push up workout details (Week 3, Day 2, first column):

  • 11, 13, 9, 9, 13; performed with a 60 second rest between reps
  • 55 Total

Before I send you off to enjoy the rest of your weekend I thought I’d throw in a little curveball puzzle.  In addition to the 100 Navy trivia points available, I will award 50 points to the first person to point out the Monty Python reference in this post.  Ready, set, go!  See you on Monday!