Quick’s the word, sharp’s the action

It seems that I’ve stumped my readers again.  Nobody submitted the correct answer to the quarters trivia question: assembling of all hands for muster, instruction, and inspection.  Glenn did come close with his response, so I’ll give him 50 points.  He also made a reference to an awesome naval movie, Master and Commander: The Far Side of the World.  Not only does it have great acting all around, especially by one of my favorites, Paul Bettany, but it also boasts an amazing soundtrack, stunning cinematography, and 138 minutes of British Navy storyline!  If you haven’t seen it, you definitely should.

He's so adorable and he learned to play the cello a little for his music scenes with Russell Crowe (who obviously didn't), which makes this cellist very happy!

Getting back to the US Navy, here’s today’s question:

Navy trivia of the day

  • What is a lifeline?

It was raining all of last night and up until early afternoon today so I was scared I wouldn’t be able to get my run in for today’s Cto5k workout.  Luckily, the weather cleared up and I helped myself to a lovely run around 4:30 PM.  I also completed the last push up workout for Week 2.

Push up workout details (Week 2, Day 3, first column):

  • 5, 7, 5, 5, 8; performed with a 60 second rest between reps
  • 30 Total

Cto5k workout details (Week 1, Workout 3):

  • Brisk 5 min warm up walk
  • Alternate 60 seconds of jogging and 90 seconds of walking for a total of 20 minutes

Side musical note: Are there any instrumental, blue grass, Appalachian, American, cross-genre music fans out there?  If so, you should definitely check out The Goat Rodeo Sessions, a new project by Yo-Yo Ma, Edgar Meyer, Chris Thile, and Stuart Duncan.

I first heard of it on The Colbert Report when Colbert interviewed all four artists before they performed “Attaboy” (my favorite piece) from the album.  It was on the top of my list of songs to buy when I got an iTunes card for Christmas and I’ve been listening to it a lot lately.  Since I mentioned that Paul Bettany learned to play the cello for his role in the movie I thought I’d share something else cello related.  Gotta keep it classy, right?  The correct answer is: Yes, anything with Yo-Yo Ma or a cello automatically is classy!  Well, I hope that I’ve given you enough stuff to keep you occupied until I post again on Monday.  In the meantime, send in your answer to the trivia question and any other amazing cello/navy/movie related randomness!